Monday, March 20, 2017

Right Eye Discharge

I woke up this morning to find Kisses in the exact same spot she was in last night, under my office desk. She began hanging out there about 4 days ago, so I put a little pet bed under there to help make her more comfortable. When I went to check on her, I found her right eye covered with a clear pussy substance slightly discolored with what looked like blood.

She was quite clearly uncomfortable! She pulled away from me when I tried to pet her, and she would not move or let me move her at first. When I finally did coerce her out from under the desk, I tried to wipe her eye off with some medicated wipes and she immediately ran back under the desk. On top of her unsightly appearance, she is also omitting a strong smell of decay.

Her morning regimen of medication consisted of Buprenorphine (for pain), Omeprazole (a liquid oral injectable medication for GI protection), Neo-PolyB-Bacitracin (AKSpore)Oph (a gel for her eyes to guard against eye infections), Duoxo Chlorhexidine Pads (for skin condition above her left eye), Tris-EDTA Ophtho Chlorhexidine Pads (for cleaning both eyes as needed - today it was really needed!!), and finally, Viralys (an edible paste for her sneezing and overall immune system health.) I began with the cleaning of her right eye because I was curious to see what it looked like after I cleaned it. As soon as I touched it with the cleansing pad, I saw a large mass of something dislodging itself from inside her eye. I wiped again and it came free.

Normally I only need one wipe to clear her eye of any discharge, and it is very minimal. Today it took me 4 pads, and I still felt like there was more. However, she was done with that nuissance, so I called it good enough! After letting her rest for a minute, I continued administering the rest of her medications and set her near her food in hopes that she would eat... She was not at all interested in eating, even when I put a fresh bowl of canned food out for her. (That usually sends her into a frenzy, and she gobbles it up!) 
Her eye looked less goopy, but still filled with mucus and uncharacteristically dark (like there was blood oozing or something.) It also appeared that there was a fine film of mucus covering her entire eye ball. 

She proceeded to b-line her way to her new favorite spot under my desk then curl up into her resting position. She has remained there all morning and afternoon.